School of Personal Development

A Thousand Insights and I Am All That.

Each individual is a complex entity connected with its environment. We can observe each organization as an integrative system composed of its team members. The “health” of the organization is related to the personal state of being of its members.

Personal development is a lifelong journey, not a destination. 

What and how?

This School is for everyone who is ready to step out of their “comfort zone”, where all answers are predictable, known and accessible.

The School’s motto is “A thousand insights and I am all that” by which we want to convey the value of freedom, authenticity and acceptance, the richness of diversity and wholeness. The sign of the School is the dandelion flower as a symbol of inspiration, change, learning, development, maturation and freedom. At this School we teach how to move away from understanding the world through right or wrong paradigm. This is a place for all those who are open to embrace the unknown about themselves and within themselves.

Lao Tse

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.

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At this school, we emphasize the dignity that enables us to find ourselves. We nurture our sense of self-worth and strive to self-realization. We nurture self-knowledge – what I know about myself, and what relationship we have, to what we know about ourselves.

Connecting with our own internal responsibility, a developed and healthy sense of self-worth enables us to live more in harmony with our creative urge and spontaneity. This also encourages us to travel faster and more meaningfully the path of creative individual, who thinks and has his integrity. Given that each individual has the capacity to learn throughout his entire life, we believe that this School is an opportunity for all of us to make a shift from our beliefs, patterns of obedience and comformity, to the new development and creative shaping of ourselves.


The School is managed by Mirna Radošević, Salveo CEE and Jadranka Delač Hrupelj, Creativa.

Mirna is functional and operational support for the project, and Jadranka expert support throughout the entire school.

Mirna and Jadranka are leading the introductory and closing part of each module. 

Mirna Radošević, School Leader

"As one of the School headmasters, I will be in service to the attendees and support them in all challenging situations they may find themselves during their personal experience on a journey of personal development. According to the principles of sharing, listening, connecting the mind and the heart, I will moderate workshops on individual modules, supporting the attendees to become aware of their truth, and gain new insights, so that they can slowly accept themselves more and more."

You have no need to go anywhere - journey within yourself. Enter a mine of rubies, and bath in the splendor of your own light.

Jadranka Delač Hrupelj, School Leader

"My role in the School is the role of a professional moderator. Which means that my job is to create conceptual design of the School, to make complete description of the School, align modules and work within each module, develop the communication strategy, align the work of individual educators with the goals of the School, and, before and after each module, to take care of the development tasks, that the educators bring and give."